FB_IMG_1444843586668April 9, 2015 started out like any other day, but by 7:30 p.m. the course of my life changed forever. Gabriel Michael Jacobs, affectionately called “Gabe” had just rounded up my other 3 sons and my husband for a game of basketball. Gabe loved playing football, but would play any sport that would allow him the chance to spend quality time with his family. I took my daughter along with me to give my 94 year old Grandmother dinner to stay out of the way of their game of basketball. I knew we would see them all again by the time the game was over. While visiting with my Grandmother, I received a call from my 10 year old informing me that Daddy was working on Gabe, because he was not breathing. In that instant, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t understand, I couldn’t do anything but drive the vehicle as fast as I could to get to him.

Gabe passed away suddenly on that night from a left anomalous coronary artery that led to sudden cardiac death. I was shocked to discover that my son had an undetected and unknown heart defect. If we had known, if we had known to even be aware that something like this could happen to Gabe or any of our children, today would be a different story. My husband and I established Gabe’s Heart Foundation so that perhaps other families might have a “different story” because of what happened to Gabe. The Foundation seeks to keep Gabe’s heart beating by engaging in the causes that mattered most to him like anti- bullying and ending hunger and that matter most to us; making sure that parents get ultrasounds of their children’s hearts. What would you do with the chance to know that something is wrong with your child?  You would take the second chance and run with it and that is what we want to do; offer a family the chance to spend as many years possible with their child through early detection and intervention.

Gabe was an honor roll student from the time he started school through sixth grade. He was a star athlete standing 5’10 tall with a very commanding presence. A gentle 12 year old giant. He played little league football for the Northeast Dolphins. He played both ways in the National United Football League Playoffs in Tampa, Florida 4 months before he passed away. They ranked #4 in the Nation. Everyone nicknamed Gabe “Diesel” because of how well he played every sport; football, basketball, Tae-kwon do, soccer, and baseball. His 18 year old brother (Frank Jr.) described Gabe as “The puzzle piece that fit every puzzle. He could play up with me, play video games with his 14 year brother (Ivan), analyze collectibles with his 10 year old brother (Jeremiah) and play dolls with his 7 year old sister (Jayla). He was the best of all of us.”
Gabe was not just a son and a brother, he was a protector of children who had no friends, an anti-bullying mediator who sought to bring peace between people and a compassionate young man who wanted others to be happy. Gabe made everyone feel like they were his best friend. Please take a moment to get to know my son and what mattered to him. When you are finished, take a moment to go back to those that you love and emphasize how important they are to you, because things can change forever in an instant. It did for me.

Kim Jacobs, Executive Director
(Mother and Founder)